Temporary Dental model Resin 0.5KG

Temporary dental model resin is a high-precision, multi-colored 3D printing material, ideal for making temporary dental models. It offers high precision, rapid prototyping, and a variety of color options including A1, A2, and A3, allowing doctors to customize models based on the patient's tooth color.
产品描述 临时牙模树脂是一种高精度、色泽丰富的3D打印材料,特别适合制作临时牙模。它具有高精度、快速成型的特点,同时提供A1、A2、A3等多种颜色选择,方便医生根据患者牙齿颜色进行个性化定制。
Physical propertyViscositycps@25℃)150~250
Tensile StrengthMPa30.00±10%
Tensile modulusMPa490.91±10%
Bending strengthMPa30.98±10%
Flexural modulusMPa927.13±10%
Notched impact strengthJ/m32±10%
Shore hardnessD80~90
Normal   LayersExposure TimeS)3.0-6.0
Lifting Distancemm)8
Lifting Speed(m/min)60
Bottom LayersExposure TimeS)20-30
Lifting Distancemm)8
Lifting Speed(m/min)60
Test by printer
Mighty 8k

JZCX industry Co., Ltd.
Leading enterprise in the 3D printing and related technologies industry, with a strong focus on innovation and quality. It has built a solid reputation through its diverse product range and widespread sales network, catering to the needs of various industries and applications.
Address: Wenquan Garden 3305, No. 70 Longshan Middle Road, Siming District, Xiamen City, China Phone: 0086-592-3278536 Email: service@antinsky.com