Super clear resin is a high-precision 3D printing material with superior transparency and stability. It maintains its transparency even after long-term exposure to light without yellowing, ensuring a durable finish. When used with a top coat, the effect is even more striking, providing a smooth and glossy surface.

产品描述 超透明树脂是一种高精度、高透明度的3D打印材料,具有出色的细节表现和稳定性。它能够经受长时间的光照而不变黄,为模型提供持久的透明度。配合光油使用,效果更佳,使模型表面光滑、光泽度更高。
Physical propertyViscositycps@25℃)180-260
Tensile StrengthMPa45-54
Tensile modulusMPa1500-1800
Bending strengthMPa77.3
Flexural modulusMPa1789
Notched impact strengthJ/m26
Shore hardnessD88
Normal   LayersExposure TimeS)2.5-7.5
Lifting Distancemm)8
Lifting Speed(m/min)60
Bottom LayersExposure TimeS)10-15
Lifting Distancemm)8
Lifting Speed(m/min)60
Test by printer
Mighty 8k

JZCX industry Co., Ltd.
Leading enterprise in the 3D printing and related technologies industry, with a strong focus on innovation and quality. It has built a solid reputation through its diverse product range and widespread sales network, catering to the needs of various industries and applications.
Address: Wenquan Garden 3305, No. 70 Longshan Middle Road, Siming District, Xiamen City, China Phone: 0086-592-3278536 Email: